Food Indices

Food an der Börse: Unsere Indices bieten spannende Einblicke in die Entwicklung börsennotierter Unternehmen der Lebensmittelbranche.

Big Food Index (YYBF)

The top 20 food companies by market cap (ex. Meat and Fast Food)
compared to the Nasdaq 100 (QTEC)

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Food Delivery Index (YYFD)

The top 10 food delivery companies by market cap.
compared to the Nasdaq 100 (QTEC)

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Fast Food Index (YYFF)

The top 10 fast food companies by market cap (ex. delivery focused)
Compared to the Nasdaq 100 (QTEC)

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Food Grocery Index (YYFG)

The top 10 grocery by market cap. Compared to the Nasdaq 100 (QTEC)

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Food Economy Index

A cross-section of the world's most important companies in the food industry.
Compared to the Nasdaq 100 (QTEC)

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New Food Index

World´s Top New Food Stocks. Compared to the Nasdaq 100 (QTEC)

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